Dear God

Dear God
My young innocent heart was quickly put to the test.
The relentless abuse attacked my will and strength; trying to infest.
My only source of protection was the bible; I read it every day.
It cradled my heart in its hands; keeping me safe in every way.

Oh how I love the way you took me under your protective wing.
I am bursting full of love for you my GOD; I want to sing.
I know in my imperfection; I have done all sorts of sin.
The Devil is a clever fiend, but I refuse to let him win.

In 1Kings 8:39 I discover that you can read my very heart.
I feel so unworthy; a failure; I don’t know where to start.
Am I going to pass your test? Only you really know.
In the course of my life, I hope my love for you does show.

So when I stand before you in judgement; my heart does want to hear.
“Go forward! My son! I am pleased” and listen to heaven cheer.
So reader of hearts, hearer of prayers; please listen to me and pray.
Help me do my utmost to worship and honor you each and every day.