A Rose Withered Too Soon

the ceiling fan's taunting
as i lie awake in bed
but it's not half as haunting
as those words i never said

like how you were my heart
how you had me at first glance
but now we can't restart
we don't get a second chance

i'm shattered on the inside
your departure,premature, unfair
but you were worth every tear i cried
your memory, more precious than air

like the night of our first kiss
tipsy and timid yet overzealous
you said love stories start like this
we laughed at our friends being jealous

oh how i miss that laughter
and when we thought life could be funny
in our own happy ever after
we traded cloudy skies for the sunny

we shared the same fears
and we had the same dreams
and for the next two years
basked in love's beams

if i had known what came next
i would have been by your side
if i had just sent that text
perhaps you wouldn't have died

i think on these things after a bad day
bottle clutched tightly in hand
jack daniels please chase these ghosts away
that's right, baby, i still drink your brand

i forget my sorrow for just one night
and dream of your embrace
til i'm awoken by the morning light
like the beauty of your face

so rest in peace my dear sweet rose
i'll try to do the same
til i say three words, yes those
written on my wrist beside your name

in memory of julia rose.