The Hankering Junkie

I want to roll you up, you dirty runt
Kissing you is like smoking blunts
I want to do it all damn day

I light you up and take a hit
Your love is the high I’ll never quit
I wouldn’t have you any other way

I’ll swallow you like oxycodone
You’re the only sin I can not atone
You always leave me lusting after more

Your touch is like popping ecstasy
It’s euphoric when you’re next to me
You are the vaccine I’ve been searching for

I’ll snort you, my line of cocaine
Your love inside melts my pain
It’s safe to say you are my benediction

Our love ages fast on methamphetamine
But still my heart is in your hands like a tambourine
You are the dealer that ignited my addiction

Your words are the heroin I inject
Coalescing with my blood like a parasitic insect
Every part of you is beneath my very skin

I’ll drip you on paper and drop you like acid
Your kaleidoscopic heart is tender, not flaccid
I finally found the yang to my yin