My Biggest Regret.

When I first saw you
I thought you were the one
And I'd been right
At least for two and a half months..

You were everything
I could have ever asked for
You told me you loved me
What did I need more?

I had you all to myself
You were wanted by so many
Yet you chose me
Over everyone else

We had our occassional fights
And times when jealousy took over
But we always seemed to make it
We would always recover

You were older then me
Seventeen at the time
And I had a feeling I knew exactly what you wanted
But it was mine

I wouldn't give it to you
No matter how much you begged
But then the problems started
And they began with neglect

You did everything you could
To make me feel like dying

The worst part was
I don't think you cared
Yet I still believed
Hope was there

Again, though
I was wrong
And next thing I knew
It was all gone

In the blink of an eye
You'd went for my best friend
Asking her for that one thing
From me, you wouldn't get

I cried myself to sleep
For nights in a row
Wanting deeply for your love back
That was what you didn't know

The "sorry's" came from your lips
Faster then kisses
And finally you acted
Like what we had, you missed

But I wouldn't forgive you
Not this time
Not yet
Because our relationship ended up being

My biggest regret.