Destiny Of Love

Are you really so far away from me?
Can't you, won't you come closer?
I long for you both day and night
I gaze at the night sky and look for you,
wondering where you are, if you exist.

Hoping you will find me soon,
and heal this pain that I have,
dry my tears from everything.
Be the one thing I get right in life,
that you won't just be another mistake.

God knows that I've had too many already,
my heart can only bear so much of this.
When we meet will I know you from the start?
Or will we be strangers to each other?

The destiny of love isn't always so clear.
I only know what I feel in my heart,
what I am able to sense in my mind,
and I can only pray and hope
that you are the mate to my soul

that when we meet we will always be together
no matter the circumstances or troubles
we will hold each other up and not let either fall
because together or separated, we are valuable
♠ ♠ ♠
This was inspired by a piece by Yiruma called "Destiny Of Love."