I just need something.

I cling on once more.
Believing this time I'll be able to hold on tight.
To not let go.
I just wish it was less of a fight.

I wish gravity would take my side.
And that I wouldn't have to strain to hold on.
That I could simply be there.
Something I could more easily bear.

But, of course, wishes don't always come true.
And I fall.
But, I land on something else.
And on it I begin to crawl.

But realizing.
On this I am also slipping.

I cling onto whatever I can.
I try to hold on.
Try to climb up.
Yet, sadly, quite abrupt.

I fell again.

Tears coming from my eyes.
I quietly wished.
That something in this life could remain constant.
Sadly god wasn't being compliant.

I landed on yet again a platform.
Which was angled for me to fall.
this time I held on as hard as I could.
I tried to give it my all.

Yet I fell again.
And once again I wished.
That something would remain constant.
And that god would be compliant.

Ang give me that wish.

For that is all I wanted.
No, that is what I need.
I need to be free of this strain.
I need. ... to be free of this pain.