Dear Addiction,

Dear addictions, I have many of you. All of you are strong but have weak points. Some of you are good while others of you are bad. You all help me grow as a person.

Dear Addiction (One)
Your hold on me is strong and my strength against you is weak. I try not to give in to you but I'm too far gone to stop. I hate what I do but you're so enjoyable to me. I try to remember this verse, 1st Corinthians 10:13, "No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it." I fail because I ignore those words and continue to do it anyway. I wish I knew when I was going to be able to stop because I know it's wrong to do. My self control is weak and my heart doesn't care. My mind says stop and my heart says go. My mind is right but I ignore it. You have had me under your control for years and you still haven't stopped. I sometimes think you enjoy this little game. I'll stop for a few days or even a few weeks, but then I just start doing you again and again. Soon my mind doesn't even think anymore and I do it automatically regardless of Who is watching. I consider myself a failure because of what I do and have done. I try to stop but obviously not hard enough. I want to break the chains you have on me and turn over a new leaf. I don't know when that will happen though.

Dear Addiction (Two)
You have a way of making me forget this world and my troubles. You help me relax as I listen to your soothing words. Without you I would be empty and broken. You give me strength to go on when I want to give up. I relate to your words and can always find someone to listen to. The one thing that never leaves but still fades away. I realize that you can't replace people or Him, but you help me when I feel like I'm alone. I listen to you constantly and am rarely ever seen without you. For me to be without you is like sticking me under water, it's not too long before I need to breathe in air. You protect me from the outside world and people, but you also help me with it as well. I used to need you almost 24/7. I almost couldn't leave my house without you. It was misery walking down the street. I slowly start to need you less and you become less of an addiction, but still an addiction nevertheless. I'm figuring out that while I love you, you are no substitution for God and never will be.

Dear Addiction (Three)
You are my healthiest addiction from my other addictions. You make me feel almost complete. When I don't do you for a long time there's something missing in me. There's a piece that's hidden that needs to be revealed. You are not always good but you're a good release from life. You're the one addiction I hope I always do and never stop.
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Poem in the form of a letter. Kind of like prose but not...