Santa Baby (Pittsburgh Penguins Style)

Santa baby (Pittsburgh Stlye)

Sidney baby slip Evgeni under the tree for me, Been an awful good girl.

Sidney baby and hurry down the chimney tonight.

Sidney baby, a 58 Letang jersey too, light blue

I’ll wait up for you dear

Sidney baby so hurry down the chimney tonight.

Think of all the games I’ve missed

Think of all the players that I haven’t kissed

Marc Andre Fleury would be so good

So please check off my Christmas list

Sidney baby

I want a Staal back and really that’s not a lot

He can’t be injured all year

Sidney baby,

hurry down the chimney tonight

Sidney hunny

Theres one more thing I really do need


I’ve got his name on my sign

Sidney baby,

hurry down the chimney tonight

Sidney cutie,

Fill my stocking with some tickets and lets

make them center ice too

Sidney baby

and hurry down the chimney tonight

With you Matt Cooke please with Maxime Talbot and my Fleury

I really do believe in you

Lets see if you believe in me

Sidney baby

forgot to mention one little thing

your ring

the Stanley Cup version one

Sidney baby

so hurry down the chimney tonight.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just a little fun thing I decided to jot down the other night after the game. Penguins fans, enjoy.