Soul Mate

I don't want to live forever,
Or over ninety-nine.
I just want someone to hold,
And to be forever mine.

I don't care if they are handsome,
Athletic, cool, or strong.
I just want to love them
And never feel it's been too long.

I want my feelings shared
in an equal, balanced amount.
They say there's one for everyone,
but I guess there was a miscount.

No person actually exists.
Not for this one lonely girl.
It's like that defective firework;
The one hair that just won't curl.

The torn out page in the book.
That stupid, misplaced sock.
That one missing puzzle piece.
The broken hand on the clock.

Still, I dare to dream,
Though fruitless it may be,
Of that make-believe person,
The one just right for me.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I wrote this just one night I was feeling a little lonely. I'm really not desperate, nor is getting a boyfriend much of a priority in my life, it was just one of those nights when you sit in bed thinking about things and you realize how alone you feel. You've all been there, whether you want to admit it or not.