
Teenagers. What a stereotype.
I think that the only positive thing ever publicised about them is on Children in Need.
I am teenager, I wear a hoodie sometimes.

Do you know why?

It is because I am cold.

I do not wear a hoodie to look intimidating.
I live in a town full of pensioners, and I can honestly say;
that not a single person I know has ever even glared at one.
Nor have they ever carried a knife, become violently paralytic or robbed a shop.

Oh, I’m not saying they don’t exist, because they do.
But why believe the media?
Whom simply blow the minority into a majority.

If we believed everything the media said;
Council estate members would be fat, lazy yobs.
The old people would all be murdered.
The children all kidnapped,
And everyone would be on drugs,
Sleeping around,
And David Cameron would probably have two heads and three ears.

I am fifteen, yes, I am wearing a hoodie.
No, I am not going to knife you,
Rob a shop or do drugs.

I believe in Chastity, I am a Christian,
I love to read and write and dance.

I am a girl four years past being cute,
And about another fifteen years prior to being responsible.

Yes, I am a teenager.
And I can write.

I bet that surprises you.

♠ ♠ ♠
Hey, not very good at humour.

Originally I wrote the first coupled of verses for this this morning in English for the opening of a debate that we were told to do.

We'd just learnt about different ways of engaging the audience and I chose to use humour. My English class laughed a lot when I read it oiut to them.

So I decided to turn it into a poem. I really hope you appreciate this. Please comment.

I want to know your opinions on my humour.

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