Why wear a mask, be yourself!

I try to place the right mask at the right time, your time. Have you any idea how hard it is for me to have to be someone else because who I am isn't good enough for you? I feel like if I didn't exist my masks would crumble, but would you? Are you capable of noticing how hard it is to be 10 people at one time for 3 people? I'm relaxing now, see I'm alone, in my room, I can be me and the only one I can see in the mirror and love.

Don't come in yet, my mask isn't on, keep pushing, you won't like what you see, because I make me happy and you're looking for one of the others-GET OUT! I will be me, one thing can stop it all, and I love me too damn much to let any of you, loving family members stop me!
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We all wear masks, when will you throw your box away?