I Lost My Cat

I lost my cat today. Somewhere; out in the snow,
I don’t know how, but she’s just gone.
In her place; a rather nice snow-cat.
Those kids are quite creative,
Though, how they got in, I don’t know.
Such things don’t bother me, I have other things.
Like keeping my self warm, Or else I might be next.
Perhaps that’s what happened, the cat left to find warmth.
She likes the warm. Always knows where to look for it,
Her black coat; seemed to suck in the warmth.
I wonder where she’s warming herself now.

I might go look for my cat; she’s got to be around somewhere.
She liked to sit behind the shed; she obviously liked the peace,
Or maybe she was pretending she was a mouse.
I looked, there was nothing? Bah, she’s probably still in the house,
She’s always doing that, creeping into my room when I don’t expect it.
Sometimes I think she’s a ghost. But of course she’s a cat.
Still no sign of her, I suppose she’s off for a walk then.
That snow-cat is really good. It’s even got green eyes.
I sit back down in my chair, it’s cold without my cat.
She’ll be back soon. She’ll be cold out there in the snow.
She’ll come home and we’ll sit by the fire.
Then the snow will melt.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is sort of in the style of one of my inspirations Carol Ann Duffy =]