Alas Alas

Mary had a little lamb, it strayed onto the lane,
The little dear (with broken ear) was obviously in pain.
Around the bend and up the lane good John-o-Walsh did speed,
Stopped just in time, (hand-brake worked fine?) he spared the lamb in need.

With gentle hands he scooped it up and held it to his breast,
With beating heart and teary eyes, he thought to do whats best.
But this saintly act of kindness was soon to be unravelled.
When he was suddenly distracted by the sound of wheel on gravel.

An unstant change to his demeaner saw John-o-Walsh become much meaner.
Canday Floss was quickly tossed as other thoughts but car was lost.
The car began careering, alas no-one was steering.
In loping stides John began to chase, before the car picked up much pace.
He reached the dorr, he pulled it wide, his intention was to jump inside.

Alas the speed was now to great, he had no time to hesitate.
The chances were now far to slim, better jump aside or lose a limb.
Helplessly he watched aghast, the car began to hurtle fast.
Into the trees it did go, John shook his head and said "Oh,no..."

While thoughts of cost were paramount, the dollar signs began to mount.
But this was of no consequence; another thought was to more immense,
His reputation would be in tatters if family found out about these matters.

He Hung his head and walked away, thinking much of what to say.
In his mind, at least, he was a winner.
When he sat down to a roast lamb dinner,
