Dark Poem

You hear footsteps down the hall and then a silent scream.
Im gone, gone before you could say or do anything.
And you shall never need to hear me speak again.
For what may seem as laughter, is violent screams from my den.
You hear me whisper something odd,
All I feel is a deep, sharp throb.
You see my body covered in blood,
My chemical heart gives one last throb.
You start to panic, you start to cry,
But your just as helpless as a fly,
My body's drenched, I lie on the floor.
You just stand there, not moving at all.
You back away, you trip and fall.
All is welcomed at the door.
You open your eyes, the sun seeps in like a stream,
You get up, outt'a bed, it was all a dream.
"It was all a dream" you say in your head.
But deep in your heart, you know im DEAD...
