Underneath The Mask

Out in the open she wears a mask
So that no one can see her face.
All they see is happiness,
They see a bright, enthusiastic girl
Who is willing to try anything once!!

But if they look beneath tat mask,
The will find a girl
Who doesn’t see much point in going on!
She wants to give up fighting,
She wants to end it all!

Everyday she fights to find another reason
To live another day!
Too often it gets harder,
But she knows she has to try;
Her life is not yet over,
It’s not quite her time to die!

Every night she goes to sleep
Hoping it will last!
But in the morning she’s still here,
Haunted by her past!

She’s just hoping that one day
She can trust someone enough
To remove that hollowed mask!
And just hope that will be the day
When she can leave her past behind!!

♠ ♠ ♠
since writing this poem i have found my way out from behind the mask!!