Enough Said

A deep empty feeling inside.
Its effects nobody can hide.
Thoughts of depression not left behind.
Happiness is something you'll never find.

A mask of joy on your face.
A smile replaces your frown's place.
In your mind you're a mental case.
Looking for sense is a wild goose chase.

Walking a road of many choices.
Every turn, you hear more voices.

Shouting out how a big disgrace.
You are to the human race.

Born a freak, bottom to peak.
Never given a chance, never got romance.

Never did they see, what's beneath thee.
Blamed by everyone, for stuff you've never done.

Judged for everything, everywhere you go.
You're just a loose string, just dragged in tow.

Not living but neither are you dead.
You don't fit in; enough said.

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No clue what it was made for.