
Every thunder storm I think of you.
I remember you.
The sound reminds me of drum beats.
Every drum beat you played.

It reminds me of your face.
It reminds me of your voice.
It reminds me I'll never see your face again.
Behind the drums you played.
It reminds me I'll never hear your voice again.
Singing the songs you wrote and played.

I close my eyes and I see you.
Playing, singing.
In Heaven.
We all hear you down here, Jimmy.
We all hear you playing with thunder.
I smile when I hear you.
But when I open my eyes.
I can't see you.

Come back.
We miss you...
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this about a year ago when I was in English/Language Arts class. Couldn't get Jimmy off my mind that day so I wrote this.