I love you

I thought it was all good, we were going the right way, until we had to break. I never wanted it, never wanted to cry more, but if your happy then i am too, you dont love me, but i love you. Hoping we would last forever, never wanted to say never, but didn't have no choice. Without you, i have no voice, to speak, to sing, happy songs, and melody's, no rhyme, no tap in my feet. You were like some kind of drug and i couldn't get enough or like my prince, you were the one that found me and then it begun, a beautiful connection, chemistry, but now it's all just history. I wonder what the future will be. Will i change? What about you? Will you ever love me? Do i still love you? Will i meet someone new, to cherish every moment i have with whom? Will i ever see you again? Will we ever be holding hands? So many questions i have to be answered, We'll have to find out later, but for now, let's just leave it all behind, forget about me, i'll forget about you, just one more thing i have to say, i love you mack, each and every day.