Make Me Dizzy; I'll Throw You Off the Rooftop. (Wouldn't Give You A Second Thought)

You were prettier when you were untouchable.
Couldn't have you,
couldn't grab you,
catch you in a butterfly net,
put you in a honey jar,
Sweet goes bitter,
Look at what you did.

This is your fault.
Blame this on everyone but you;
But I know.
I know.

You try to pretend,
Try to crawl up inside,
Toxic, toxic, toxic,
Wasteland of a girl,
Short skirt long shirt,
I hope you fucking choke.

I would help.
Wrap my fingers around your neck,
count the seconds on the clock,
You're blue by seventeen.

Tick tock, a timed catastrophe,
Dinner half-eaten, cold on the table,
When do you expire?
Can we skip to then?

Don't have enough time,
Don't have enough mind,
I would let you go,
If you weren't holding on so hard.
I'll stand up on the roof and let us both fall.