Thank You For The Truth

There was a time I thought I knew the difference between right and wrong.
A time where nothing could possibly go wrong,
Where every moment, every breath was perfect.
And pink was my favorite color.

There was a time I thought I had my entire life planned out for me.
Where there was no room for sorrow or despair.
A childish reality that existed only within my mind,
Where everyone was immune to the harsh realities of life.

But then I met you.
I never would have believed that any one person could affect my life so drastically,
But you did.
You worked me out of my protective shell and welcomed me to the real world.

You showed me how to be myself without caring what others thought or said.
You introduced me to things that seemed foreign,
But had indeed been there all along,
Simply waiting for me to discover.

You waited patiently on the path when I lagged behind
To gaze at the new sights surrounding me,
Some good others bad,
But all a part of reality.

It’s only when I look back now that I see
You changed everything about me,
From my smile and my frown,
To my very morale.

Because of you I am different,
I realize pain and suffering surround us,
That not every marriage is happy,
And that no one’s life is truly perfect.

You allowed me to discover myself,
To help me find my faults and my strengths,
You taught me that it doesn’t matter what other people think or say,
You are the only true judge of yourself.

And so I thank you,
I don’t know what I would be without you,
You’re something like a personal guide to the real world,
Something everyone should have.