holding out for a hero

Maybe its the fact that I'm lonely,

Or that the world has no place for me.

Maybe it's the fact that I know I'm not special,

Even though I'm waiting to be.

How many times have you sat there and thought I was strong,

Thought I could hold my head high and should be left alone.

I really thought I could,

But I know I can't.

I push you as far away as I can,

Even though you keep coming back.

I'm scared to trust you,

Are you any better than this world?

How long can I stay standing,

When my mind and heart are so close to breaking.

I don't want you near,

In fearing of hurting you beyond repair.

How long I've been suffering,

I don't really know.

How long have I been dreaming for somewhere to go,

Always holding out for a Hero.
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this is my friend roxas's poem but i thought it should be shared so here it is