Together We Can

Tears and blood
replace the beauty
of her face.
Her clothes
were ripped and torn,
barely covering her.
Dirt coats her body,
her hair in a mess.
She’ll no longer be
the same as
she was before.
All because a man,
had anger, power, and control
take over his body, mind, and soul.
Now she will pay
for his actions.
This is rape.

Tears cover her face,
drops of blood
here and there,
she grips her child’s hand,
as the police arrive on scene.
He watches her,
knowing that he did this,
but not caring,
he’s in control
he’s powerful.
Both know
that she’ll go back,
back to him.
This is domestic violence.

The child cries
out for help,
hoping someone
will hear them.
Bruises and cuts
cover their body.
The pain and torture
a part of everyday,
they can’t do anything,
but scream and shout.
People see them,
but don’t believe them.
They don’t want to think
that someone could actually
do such a horrible thing.
It’s so shocking and horrifying,
who would?
This is child abuse.

They’ve given up,
hope, happiness, and love.
They can no longer see it,
they don’t believe it,
and they think
they’ll never find it.
Their thoughts
are of suicide and death,
why should they continue
Staring at the cuts on their arms,
the razor nearby,
nothing seems to help.
They think they’re lost
and that no one
will understand them,
but little do they know
there are people out there
that think just like them.
This is depression.

These are only a few things
that torture everyone
every day.
together we can,
fix all of these problems.
With just a few simple things:
Love, Happiness, Time,
Attention, Care, Trust,
Support, and Understanding.
Together we can
change the bad for the good,
we can fix people,
and show them
right from wrong.
Together we can
make this world
a better place.
This is what we can do