L' Ballade Des Noctambules

It might have been illegal
It might have been odd,
But once one falls in love, who's to say what's wrong
And what's right?

Mon cher qu'il ne fait que commencer...

Her only wish is to find him
To know him,
De l'aimer!

She longed for his care,
And only to love him.
None other knew her better
She might have been une putain...
But she knew that even though she may have many
She only wanted him.

Every night, and every day
She only lived for him
She focused on what he would wish for her
She loved him, she loves him.

Croyez-moi quand je dis qu'il l'aimait trop...

In fact, she was his oxygen
She was his world,
He may not have been able to hold her to him in nights where he longed to
He may not have been able to see her as often as he wished
But he loved her, he loves her

Elle peut le nier, mais pour lui, elle est la fille la plus belle qu'il ait jamais vu.

They both know that one day they'll be together.
One day, they will hold each other,
And one day, they won't need their current crutches.

Lls sont vraiment amoureux des étoiles...

Je t'aime Tom Clews,
Avec tout mon cœur,
Vous ne pouvez pas me croire quand je le dis
Mais vous êtes plus que mon monde,
Vous êtes tout pour moi.
♠ ♠ ♠
Some of it is indeed in French
I can't help it though x)