
I feel my pain slowly slip away,
as I chop again at this fleshy silhouette.
It's blurry to see,
The pain you cause me,
The tears won't stop.
It's like you've broken my heart too many times,
Some pieces are missing that you will never find.

I wish I knew how,
You do this to me,
My heart says I love you,
But my mind says you hurt me.
You sit there and lie,
and you think you're so sly.
I find you repulsive,
Yet I love you dearly.

You make me feel stupid,
For feeling such things.
I know you love me,
and I know I love you.
Your actions push me away,
My heart keeps me at bay,
I try so hard to forget about you.

You make me this way,
Just when you say "hey".
I shed all these tears,
Through out the years,
But you don't notice them.
I tell you I cry,
You sit there and sigh,
You know you caused them,
It makes you feel sad.
You wish badly to fix them,
But you shan't know how...

The sadness is gone now,
You have made my day.
What you say to me,
has the biggest effect of them all.
I wish so badly to tell you how I feel,
But you shy up and away...

I love you so much.
♠ ♠ ♠
Not one of my better, but I see that this is the only way to get things off my mind, so don't hate me for it. ^^