

Movement caught from the edge of vision
Brings you to attention

A mournful cry
Issued from a face that is all too angular
Eyes too big

You cry and cry out again
All you wanted was affection

And hidden in your heart of hearts
You held fast to a tiny glimmer of hope
Love? A home? A full belly?

How long had you been living on the edge?
Barely surviving
How much longer could you have survived?
Not long-
You were so pathetic
Jutting bones and skin
All need and wanting

Yet giving too
And with your unquestioning faith
You let us love you
Gave us that gift and returned it ten fold

In a house hold-
In a family that needs healing
You let us heal you and gave us healing in return

In time your eyes will fit a fuller face
Lithe will replace what was scrawny
Your inner beauty will shine through

I'm so glad you chose us
My midnight waif

My Brenna