The lights are low and I'm getting down

I spin around on the dance floor, the disco lights turning me different colors. I’m red one second, then blue, and purple. I laugh and twirl in the air. I’m a dancer and it is my destiny to get down. There is a crowd around me now. I’m dancing to a rock song, and doing an air guitar. Someone joins me. He has got sandy blonde hair and does several kicks in the air, like a martial artist expert. He grins at me and I see he’s got blue eyes. They look like the ocean and I am momentarily still. Someone urges me to dance again and I pirouette. The crowd goes wild. I start to grind when the music changes to hip hop. The boy is grinding as well. We grind for a while until the music changes to a slow song. The boy comes up to me and asks if I want to dance. I nod and he puts a hand on my hip. He slow dances with me then and I stare into his face. He is quite handsome. I smile and he winks at me. I feel myself blush. The song ends and we part. The rest of the night I dance with the mysterious boy and at the end of the night he asks me if he can have my number. I nod and tell him my cell. He says he’ll walk me home. I tell him it’s not necessary but he seems determined. I finally let him walk me home. We talk softly as we walk through the cold, dreary streets. We finally make it to my house and he kisses me softly on my porch step. I’m shocked but in a good way. He says he’ll see me later and I nod. He leaves and I go up to my room. Everyone is asleep and I try to be quiet. I make it to my room, without causing a commotion and fall on my bed. Tonight had been interesting. I fall asleep and dreams of dancing consume my mind. I am a dancer after all.