Angels and Demons

What happens when you know you’ve got both good and evil inside of you?
It just so happens that I, Janie Clear Water harbor both good and evil.
Some say evil is demons inside of us.
Others say that angels are inside of us if we are good.
As I walk down this street I carry a gun with me.
I have killed before and I plan to do it again tonight.
It’s the only way my boss will let me live.

I have to kill his enemies if I’m to remain in this world any longer.
The killing used to bother me tremendously but after a while I became numb to it.
I spot my victim.
John Hues, enemy of my boss and drug dealer expert of the streets.
I follow behind him, keeping my gun hidden.
He doesn’t notice my presence at first but I will make it known soon enough and he will regret it.
He continues to walk in the crowd.
Somehow I’ve got to separate him from the crowd.
I run ahead of him, my blonde hair swaying behind me.
I skid to a stop in front of him and he does a double take when he sees me.
Not only did I mysteriously appear out of the crowd but I also have good looks to catch him off guard.
He walks up to me genially and I extend a hand out.
He grabs it and shakes it.

We talk for a little while and then I’ve got him convinced that I’m hiding from someone and that I’ve got to take the alley ways in order to get home.
He tells me he wants to see I make it to my destination.
I smile and walk ahead of him, scoping out a dead end in the alley way.
I find one and when I stop there he looks puzzled.
He asks why we have stopped and I simply tell him that I am going to kill him.
He seems to find this funny and when I pull out my gun his laughter continues.
He says that I should put the gun away and stop playing around.
“I’m not playing around,” I tell him my eyes narrowed.
He laughs nervously this time and starts to slowly back away

I fire the gun and a bullet hits him square in the shoulder.
It begins to bleed and he gasps. He begins to realize that I’m not kidding and that I will kill him.
“You crazy chick!” He says and runs.
I love it when they run.
I chase after him and shoot him in the leg a couple of times.
He staggers but continues to run.
I shoot lower this time and he topples to the ground.

I walk up to him, smiling. He screams as I shoot my gun one last time.
I make it back to headquarters and tell my boss that I’ve eliminated his competition.
My boss is a drug dealer as well and John Hues was disrupting his business.
My boss smiles at me as I tell him this news and tells me I can relax for a couple of days now.
I nod and head to my room.

Once there I flop on the bed and sigh.
Killing shouldn’t thrill me, yet it does.
I love the blood curling screams of my victims as they meet their demise.
I know I’ve got both angels and demons residing in me.
The question is which one is taking over me?