Roxas, number 13

I see him walking down the corridors, a soft look on his face as he explores the castle. I watch him as he passes me, his stride hesitant. I yell a greeting at him and I see him glance at me with those blue eyes of his that I love. He comes up to me and smiles. I feel myself melt. I love that smile. We talk for a while and then he walks away, leaving me in deep thought. He’s like me a nobody but something feels different about him. It’s like he’s got a heart, as Axel always states when he gets the chance. I think about the first day we met. It was raining and I was surrounded by heartless. He demolished the heartless as if they were nothing. I was amazed and still am at the level of his power. He is strong, a true fighter. He loves to spar and often asks me if we can fight. I often fight him for the experience but I usually end up losing. Roxas has a sweet side to him as well. He holds open the door for me whenever he’s with me like a true gentleman. He makes me feel as if I have a heart. I know that’s so cliché but it’s true. I don’t know what my life would be like without him. We aren’t dating but we’ve definitely got chemistry together. I’m happy being his friend but I always wonder if there could be more to our relationship.