Buried Alive

Their dirty, bloody shovel digs deeper in the ground.
Hear the thud, thud, thud of the dirt every time it hits the floor.
Beaten and bruised, you're still alive.
Unconscious as you meet your demise.

You're thrown into the whole, broken a bit.
You begin to awaken,
The dirt begins to hit you in the face.
You panic, bat can not move.
You try to scream,
But to no avail.
You voice is gone,
Your limbs are numb.
The dirt becomes deeper and deeper as you stare at the man.
He begins to laugh, as you start to cry.
He finds much joy in your greatest of fears.

You catch your voice,
dirt begins to fill your lungs.
You scratch at the dirt,
Rubbing your skin raw until you bleed.
The worms crawl all around you,
Slowly eating your flesh.
Your breathing becomes slower, fainter.
Weaker and weaker you become.
Not much longer now.

Breathe in your last breath,
Close your eyes,
and gently fall asleep.
