A Dream...Maybe

My head is really spinning
The darkness must be winning
I can't think straight
How many pills had i taken? More than eight?
I'm feeling very light
I start to float, not even putting up a fight
I float up to the sky,
Thinking: This must be how it feels to die
But then i start to drop
The feeling of lightness has come to a stop
I wake up in a familiar place
And see my Mother's face
She'd woken me from a nap
And everything was gone in a snap
My dream was gone
But it had felt so strong
And that's when i really awaken,
So very shaken,
Outside Heaven's gate, towering over me, oh so very tall
What i had thought a dream wasn't really one at all
I wait patiently praying and hoping,
And after awhile i turned to walk away,Thinking God would not tak me, the pearly gates open
I hadn't need for fear
For God would always have a place for me here