Eyes Of Regret

Why is it you look at me
And I cannot look back
Your eyes those of regret
Looking to me for answers
When I have none to give

Yet still you stay
Right there by my side
Waiting for me to find
Something that cannot be found
Why must I find the answer

Yet still you believe
Since you could not find it
That I will be able to
Somehow I will find the way
To an un-findable path

But yet your eyes of agony
Fill me with sadness
For my own failure
But I cannot refuse you
I remember them from before

When your eyes were those of love
A kind, simple time
Many years ago
Found but then lost
And the answer unreachable

I wonder if it will return
That time from before
Can I restore the past
Or simply create a new future
With this answer I seek

Or shall I become timeless
Forever to wander
In search of the answer
With only you in mind
And your eyes filled with regret