Battlefield of Love

I'm stuck here in this battlefield of love.
I got my sword,my shield, and our Savior above.

I go out fighting, not knowing what I'm doing.
I thought I was winning, but found out I was losing.

I lost my shield and got stabbed in the heart.
Now we're not together, and slowly falling apart.

But, I'm not giving up now, I will win this war.
Because I really need her back, I can't take it no more.

I'll fight until I bleed, and my heart stops beating.
I'm never leaving her side, I'll be there as long as I'm breathing.

My heart is hurting and I can't stop crying.
She's telling me all these "sorry's" that I'm not buying.

I've done her wrong, and she's done me wrong.
All this fighting, I can't put up for long.

I'll protect her with every strength that I got.
Don't tell me that I'm weak, because you'll find out that I'm not.

This girl is the best thing that is in my life.
I'll prove that I won this war, the day she becomes my wife!
♠ ♠ ♠
I'll never give up.