The Writer

The writer does become a trifle bored

With her schemes and stories and notes

And maybe other ideas she does hoard

Yet you see she still dotes

On her many thrills and elusive plots

Clutching tighter her much beloved pen

As she hurriedly scribbles and jots

Much as to sing is the nature of the wren

Still she sits in her melancholy manner

To stay until she feels success

But one cannot see into her clammor

Into her mind where ideas fill the excess

And still her graceful hand glides across the page

Waiting for another idea to take center stage.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wrote this for Freshman high school Honors English class, and then had to modify it so as not to rhyme for Sophomore Honors English. I liked the rhyming one better so that's the one I'm posting. <3

I am terrible at Poetry, but I felt like this was very good, and I can identify it with myself.