Memories, Love, Friendship, Hate: You.

Memories of you haunt me.
Memories of you that once made me smile.
Memories of you that now bring me to tears.

Tears that form because of you.
Tears that form for you.
Tears that are born of love and hate.

Love, it was once so strong for us.
Love, it tore us apart little by little.
Love, it killed our friendship.

Friendship, a thing which no one could take from us, we swore.
Friendship, something I scoff at because you were a whore.
Friendship, something unattainable that will never be the same.

that runs stronger than the love that once plagued my heart.
Hate that fuels every mean action or word.
Hate that makes it so hard to be around you.

You, that makes it so hard for me to forget.
You, that broke me.
You, that tried to fix me.
You, that I pushed away.
You, that I’ll still push away.

You, who I still secretly miss.