2 Sided Poem

I cringed when I saw him today
My heart leaped when I saw her today

I won’t admit it, but I feel my feelings beginning to die.
Our relationship is ending, but I can’t stop loving her.

I don’t want to hurt him anymore.
I’m afraid she’ll hurt me again.

Should I tell him?
Should I ask her?

Perhaps I should put it off a little longer.
I can’t bare the answer she’ll give me if I ask.

But I hate the thought of leaving him.
In a way I wish she’d leave me.

He’s been good to me, but I feel so unhappy.
I keep trying, but I can’t seem to keep her happy.

I’ve been crying myself to sleep at night.
The last time I left, I knew she was disappointed.

I’ve been eating less, and bedridden for days.
I was dumbfounded, she’d been in bed all day while I had to work.

I want him.
Crap, she wants it again.

He doesn’t want me.
I don’t want to disappoint her.

What’s wrong with me?
What’s wrong with me?

I don’t think I’m pretty.
She’s the most beautiful girl in the world.

I feel sick.
There goes her mood.

I can’t do this anymore.
I wonder when she’s going to leave me for good.

I’m lost.
I blew it.