
Why should I have to take this?
It's like you somehow manage to miss
Every tear I shed about you
Maybe you should care a little too

I just don't see the point anymore
And it's hurts me right down to the core
Of my heart which you've broken
Over and over, in the way you have spoken

Ever considered that maybe
I love you, and you shold love me?
Why should I need to cry
Or wish that I could die
Because you opened my world of pain
Colsed it, then ripped it open again?

Maybe I should just leave
And return to using my hoodie sleeve
As my pillow of hope and dreams
That will never come true, it seems

Why do you make me feel so bad?
Make me feel depressed and sad?
Why should I wish away the days that come
And regret all the days that are done?

It's you and her, my 'friend'
That can always twist and bend
The rules to being kind
Just stop - don't kill my mind

I have feelings, can't you see?
Why is it all 'Me, Me, Me'
With you two together
Maybe I should find someone better

To love
To cherish
To have hope for

I love you
But why can't you see that?
