Not bad.. But what could be worse?

Somewhere I belong.
Upon the many,
the hopeless,
people who are in dismay.
Do we know who we really are?
or are we just lying to ourselves..?
Telling ourselves the hidden truth,
the hidden pain,
what we can't touch,
but we feel.
Corrupted, broken, in total dismay.
There is something different
between us and others.
Something that divides us up,
half and half.
The death thinkers,
and the faith believers.
Does it matter which we are?
It matters only that we stay strong,
and remember the broken
and remember the beaten path that we have traveled
during our life, and for what still yet has to come.
Not till the day we die do we think only bad,
but till the day we die do we know not what could be worse.