This Journey Alone

The smoke clears, everything is just, silent
The dust is settling, an image becomes clearer.
My shadow has calmed itself
My cheek are wet, my eyes nearly dry.
For now, everything just is.
I look up at the sky, stars, looking down upon me.
If there a was a God, I have surpassed him.
I am superior. I have reached the ending.
My breathing is steady now
I wipe away my tears
I wipe away all of my feelings and memories
They're gone, not forgotten
I don't need them, but I can keep them
In a world so dark and cold,
A moon shines, light filtering falling to me
Beauty, I reach my hand up toward it
It feels soft, it comforts me,
I close my eyes briefly and know I have made it
I stand up carefully, my legs shaking slightly
I don't look back, not to the past
Neither do I look to the future.
I smile weakly, it's a start. A new start
I must start this journey alone, but It's okay.
My tears have fallen and my heart beats stronger.