Big Brother

I'm smiling on the outside.

I'm laughing with my friends.

Everything seems to be okay.

Everything seems to be fine.

But you know me better.

You can feel the pain I'm hiding.

You can see the tears in my smile.

You can hear the hurt in my laugh.

You know I'm a total wreck inside.

You know I'm falling apart.

But you act like you know nothing.

You play it all off.

And when we're alone,

when there's no one around,

You let me cry my heart out.

You hold me close and tight.

You tell me it's okay,

That you're always gone be there.

You're my best friend.

My big brother.

And now, you're dead.

I don't have anyone to cling onto.

I don't have anyone to tell me it's okay.

What am I supposed to do?

How am I supposed to go on?

♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this about my best friend who passed away.