Should I Stay...?

I'm done.
I'm just done.
I can't take it anymore.
People tell me not to stress,
But I honestly can't help it
It's who I am,
Who I'll forever be.
You talk condescendingly,
And you don't even notice.
"Tell me if there's something I can do"
Of course there's something you can do.
You can stop being you.
I hate it.
As soon as I start,
I stress.
I can't take you.
Just leave me alone,
And don't ever come back.
I don't like you,
And I probably won't.
Not even if Hell freezes over.
I have other shit going on in my life,
Shit that you don't even vaguely know of,
And you're just adding to the stress.
I don't know if I'll continue.
I'm tempted to quit.
Quit right now,
While I still can,
But I know I can't.
"I'd die without you"
"You're the best I've ever had"
"I don't worry when I have you"
All of these you've said,
But all of these I don't give a fuck about.
I'm not happy.
I've had breakdowns everyday.
This isn't how it's supposed to be,
Not one bit.
I haven't fully decided,
But time may decide,
Whether I should remain or say goodbye forever.