Spare the Tears

Oh my God,
I haven't messed this up,
So don't you pin he blame on me.
You probably won't ever see the thing I want
You to face,
The problems that you don't
Want to admit are yours.
You force them upon others,
Slowly pushing the blame like a forged contract
That states your innocently guilty
Of all that you put down.
I really don't care what you think
Because I rip up these blasted papers
So you end up with your own evil little blame.
Tears that you don't want to stream
Like the drops on the window,
The evil that lurks by,
The behavior's so low.
I don't want it to be all my fault
And have blame lurking,
Silently lurking and creating the problems,
"Whoops, my bad."
Yeah it's your bad, so don't try to make it others