you are my denouement

you are my denouement, you are my end
you are my future, every i love you i couldnt send
the cure to my war, the one thing to defend
and yet you are the very wound that will not mend

without you i am nothing
when i get you it will be over
life as i know it will fly away to heaven when it grows its wings
we will know of strength greater than time, that can overwhelm forever

when i meet you, whether or not our lives are joined at that moment, they will cease to know what it's like not to be intertwined, reality has met its match, ive seen the sights, felt the hearts, tasted the poison, smelt the earth, and heared the lives but to her i am confined

keep your name, it's only need is from the world's fools, i ended when i discovered you
without you my soul is just a machine waiting to rust, and when i find you i will turn back into dust

from your very existance my life was torn

destroy me, it's all youre good for