Anywhere But Home

That tense feeling has returnd
And the day drags on forever.
The smiles are fake, desperate
Nothing makes it better.

Why does it bring this pain?
That knaws with no release?
Why does this secret
Always bring this grief?

Although I pretend, it's fatal
Life will never be the same.
Staring out through the mist
But all I feel is rain.

Am I lying to save myself?
Or the protection I have built?
Yet here all I feel is
Overwhelming guilt.

I'm strained by paranoia
Fearful, in doubt.
I don't want you to know
Or possibly find out.

I should be thrilled past life
But instead I sit quiet.
The same repeated message
I really hope you buy it.

It's choking me late at night
I'v betrayed my very mind.
I'm caught in a false promise
Each day I say I'm fine.

I'm surrounded by too many people
They're oblivious, I'm alone.
Right now I feel and wish
I'm anywhere but home.