My Burden

My flesh, it burns,
As if it was of fire,
Only because of my greed,
This suffering is of my desire.
I pay for it in full, this punishment of mine,
It's just enough to kill.
The torturing devices require much skill.
I wait in dark silence, and feel the cold chains
Enwrap me and my tortured soul,
It wont be long now.
To my captors, I shout,
"Do me in! Do what you must!
I know my screams of pain is what you lust,
But do me a favor, please only a deal,
Allow, from my love, a kiss to steal.
For you should know what it is like to die
Without embracing loved ones bye!"
To this they laughed, as if to taunt,
But my heart refute the argument not.
As years passed by, the request did go,
And after every breath, I'd receive a blow
As if to remind me of my place.
In this life,
I lost her,
No one else,
Tis why I suffer,
I fell for and saw
Her and no other.
But that was then,
And this is now, heading to oblivion;
There I will wait for
Eternity's stake to be driven
Into my heart.