The lies of society

You know its a funny thing,
How easily people seem to forget,
how blind people are to darkness,
how blatantly unaware society is to those suffering around us,
can no one honestly tell,
which star has fallen? faded?
do only bright lights shine over ones that have died?
can we truly not see someones darkness?
or are we just ignoring the darker side of things?
is that girl who sits by herself just shy?
has she ever let anyone in?
No one has ever even tried to enter,
we are all to afraid,
of the secrets, of the past,
for what would cause them such great pain?
we tend to die our own secrets,
our own bloody pasts,
none of our hands are clean,
but we are drowned by society's reputation,
some have chosen to rebel against it,
therefore their light does not shine through,
they have no light,
everyone can see their pain,
we however would rather light a candle,
however faint its fire may be,
then to admit our own secrets to the world,
even though we all know,
no ones stars can ever truly shine,
without flickering between what is true and what is left to be known as society's lie