I Don't Know

I don't know if he knows it,
But his lips on mine are too much to bear.
I'm not able to just sit.
I feel like I have to jump him.

I don't know if he realizes,
But his eyes really do make me melt,
So I look down and blush,
Then hold your hand so you don't disappear.

I don't know if he sees
That when I'm nest to him I can't help but smile.
I can't stand to be away
His presence just makes me feel safe.

I don't know if he hears
That drop in my voice when I have to say goodbye.
I don't want to be apart
Not for a minute or at all.

And I don't know if he notices
How much he really means to me.
I can't imagine him not in my world
Because he brightens even my brightest of days.
♠ ♠ ♠
Cliche', but sometimes, there's no other way to describe it, no?