
The past
It was so horrid
Bad experiences
Bad memories.
It is all in the past
There are no go backs.
Life was such a waste back then
All I want to do
Is crawl up in bed
And cry myself to sleep.

It seems as if time
Is going by so fast
The world is spinning,
And people are grinning.
I need to slow down.
I'm missing everything.
Life today is
All about FUN!!!
So hold on tight
It's going to be a crazy ride
But life is about adventure.
And that is what I vventure.

The future
It's as great
As it seems.
Liife tommorow is
Going to be a dream.
The war will be at an end.
And we will live as a sadow.
Forgetting our past.
Is all we need to do
I'm ready to live life
In front of you.
I'm hppy as can be
And all I know is
That I have the
Rest of my life
Ahead of me.
The Future awaits.
I am a flower about ready to