Under a Watchful Sky

I'm sitting there, all by myself
No one elseI see is around,
I hear the waves massage the sand
But I hear no other sound.
I watch the sunset's colors
Slowly pass me by,
What I am feeling now
Is the sun's soft lullabye.
I feel beneath my feet
The soft and shifty sand,
Then I turn to see your loving face
And see us hand-in-hand.
The sun dips below the horizon
and the moon begins to shine,
Then all of a sudden, I feel the sensation
Of your lips unto mine.
It's times like these that happen
Under a watchful sky,
'Cause life's too short to embrace these times
So don't let them pass you by...
♠ ♠ ♠
me and me friend addison converted this into a song, so i might put it up later :)