so here's the dope, princess.

and just like you ruined my life, i will steal everything you hold dear.
when you read peter pan, you won’t be able to fly.
when you try to escape into the wild like max, you will drown in the ocean.
when you listen to your favorite songs, you will only hear your hatred and white noise.
when you try to dance in the dark, you will trip and sprain your ankle.
when you try to crawl out of your depression, you will be met with gnashing teeth and broken bones.
when you try to believe, you will fail.
and when you try to die, you will simply end up locked in the confines of your own mind.

you will not break me, i will break you.
the destruction you tried to reap will be your own.
the life you tried to steal you will live.
and the hope you tried to kill in me will live on forever more.

i am alice, queen of wonderland.
and you are just a stupid girl trapped in a world you cannot pretend your way out of.
i am the victor and you are nothing.
your light has ended.
and mine is only just beginning.