The Pier

The Pier

That night we stood there on the pier
You held me in your arms,
As the night lights of the city and the moon shine on to the water.
Our friends acting crazy as they always do.
That night on the pier was the night,
That I knew how I was starting to really feel about you.
I know that age didn’t really mater with us because,
We where just two young teenagers living it up.
You made feel like someone importations for a couple of minutes.
That night on the pier,
You made me forget the sadness that I had felt that whole day.
My mind when off to another world when you whispered in my ear
As our friends left us behind, we didn’t care
We walked hand and hand as our friends where turning to look at us
That night on the pier was a night that I relieve in my head everyday.
The night I wish I should have kissed you instead of regret.